Sunday, June 21, 2015

New Years in Leadville, Colorado 2015

The morning before we went to Colorado, I couldn’t sleep, so I took some time to go through some old stuff of mine and worked on uncluttering my room, putting my pebbles, old news clippings from others, photos, paper clips, Lego instructions, Legos, and condoms together, and recycling old bits of paper. Then I scooped Peter’s litter box. After that we drove down to Colorado. I also started reading The Tao of Leadership. We went to Whole Food’s, and I got a new non-crown bottle cap from a drink I got there. Finally, we got to Colorado and heard Jamie, Graham, and Nick were staying in Denver that night. 
                The next day as I went into town with my mom, with the toilet still not working yet, it occurred to me that poverty cannot be the sole reason for lack of plumbing in the Third World but perhaps lack of experienced engineers and taxpayers to pay for and dig sewage systems. Indeed, it seems that while we in the West may send them so many doctors and teachers, they have so few in their own countries, and the way we practice medicine and schooling in the U.S. may need to be adapted to fit the cultures of the Third World. My mom and I then shred a Bhakti Chai while I nibbled on a chocolate blueberry scone and a chocolate chip cookie. Then I went into Minerals and bought myself several different fossils, a leather sack, and a worry stone for my mom. After that I went to Fire on the Mountain and bought myself a crochet needle. I also went to Weston Hardware and bought myself five new Native American post cards. My mom came and met me there and I gave her the worry stone, for which she thanked me, and she bought me a salted caramel. 
                When we got back, we found out our toilets were working again. I also organized all the recyclables in my duffle bag into bags from all my times shopping at Weston Hardware. After a dinner of shrimp scampy (for me just the shrimp) I read (or reread) more of The Silmarillion. Then I found out, after talking with Verizon about my phone, which had me locked out and was frozen, that my phone was broken, and I needed a new phone, luckily covered by the warranty, which they could transfer all my contacts and photos onto. I also thought back to how I realized why our attempts to build infrastructure in the Third World don’t go so well, and saw that social sciences are not useless on par with math and science like people think. 
                The next morning, I read more of The Silmarillion. Then I gathered some wood to make a reclaimed cross. After that I went into town and got some chocolate peanut butter cake from the coffee shop, four blood red buttons for my snake from Fire on the Mountain, a jigsaw puzzle from the bookstore, and some chuckles from Weston Hardware. Shortly after that my mom, Dave, Graham, and I went to the Grill, and I had some delicious tacos. I got back and read more of The Silmarillion. The next morning, I read more of The Silmarillion. After that I completed my jigsaw puzzle. Then I did some puzzles on-line. Later I read more of The Silmarillion. The next day I found some more wood for making bottle cap signs. It turned out that we would be leaving Colorado on the second of January rather than the first, because my mom was having severe headaches and needed to get home to get them treated.
                After we dropped off Dave, we listened to Comedy Central Radio to pass the time. After that I drove on the highway for about an hour. My mom and I then switched, and after that I drove for another hour. After that we switched and continued to listen to Comedy Central Radio some more, while I realized that Legolas may have been the way he was portrayed in The Hobbit movies (with the exception of Tauriel, as she was only added to put in a female character) because if he had been in Thranduil’s army during the siege of Erebor by the elves, he might have been a prominent soldier who Gloin would have recognized and told Gimli about, and they would have both treated Legolas with hostility at the Council of Elrond, and Legolas’s mother may have been dead because when Thorin was interrogated by Thranduil, Thranduil’s wife did not sit next to him as Queen of Greenwood, and Legolas and Gimli might not have become such good friends. I also realized that ASAN-KC works with disability-related organizations involved in social science (disability studies), art, music, and literature, which are my passions, and I finally decided that I am not all that passionate about filmmaking. As we got home, I realized my tendency to “hoard” may have come from the fact that in the past, I did not always think I would have very much beyond the bare necessities, and wanted to save what little luxuries I had (bottle caps, Lord of the Rings bookmarks, postcards, etc.), and that I used to have so much trouble with school work (around elementary school) and developmental milestones that I often had trouble understanding what people wanted from me later in life, whether teachers, parents, or bosses.

Winter Break Before Vacation 2014

The day after I got back from UCM I finished a drawing I had started the day before: on one side was the face of Mahatma Gandhi; on the other Thorin Oakenshield, the dwarf leader from The Hobbit. While Gandhi was an ascetic who freed India through peaceful means and had a tendency towards forgiveness, Thorin was vengeful, whether towards Smaug or Azog, and sought to reclaim his people’s treasure horde, but the way I saw it, the yin-yang was present: both loved the people, and were willing to fight, even die for them. I finished the picture and posted it on Facebook.
                Later I saw Kelly Green, autistic activist and moderator of the Facebook page and website Artists and Autism, left a comment asking me if she could put it on Artists and Autism’s page, to which I said I would love that. Later I went down to Better Cheddar, where I got a new bottle cap for my collection from my drink and found another one near the tenant’s recycling bins.  
                The next day I found another bottle cap for my collecting near the tenant’s recycling bins. Then I went to Starbuck’s where I read more of Water Touching Stone. I got back and made another coaster from receipts and worked on some more plastic bag yarn, or “plarn.” My mom and Dave paid me to drive them to and back from Homestead Country Club and when I got back, I made some more plarn and worked on some more receipt coasters. I soon saw my picture that was shared on Artists and Autism got over six hundred likes on Facebook. 
                The next day I read more of Water Touching Stone at Starbuck’s before I went to Hen House to work. After that I got another bottle cap from a drink I got there. I got back and talked to Tyler. I went to work the next day and got a different bottle cap from my drinks that I got afterwards. On Friday Erin and I got together at the Cheesecake Factory, and I gave her the drawing for a birthday/Christmas present, and she gave me a documentary The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The next day I did a drawing of Peter, which I showed to my mom and Dave it and they loved it. Then I did a drawing of Hook and started one of Reeder. I showed my mom them and my drawing of Elsa from Frozen, and she loved them. On Sunday, I chipped in with Cam and Jamie for a present for my mom and Dave and decided to give Aunt Laura one of my toilet paper roll wall pieces. I also went to work and got a new bottle cap from my drinks after that. After that I went to work again and got a different bottle cap at the CVS in the shopping square after I got off work. On Wednesday I got together with Tyler and we saw The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, which we both particularly enjoyed. My family and I had Christmas Eve dinner of steak followed by Andres matterhorn and pastries for dessert. That night, Jamie saw my toilet paper roll wall piece, which he took a picture of and shared it with Artists and Autism, writing:

My 25 year old (older) brother with Asperger's Syndrome made this out of toilet paper roll cardboard. He makes recycled artwork and his name is Ben Edwards.

                After that I opened my stocking getting a beer magnet bottle opener, some chocolates, two packs of Orbit gum, some “Hello Titty” condoms, an eraser, a dream catcher, and a Tequila Worm lollipop from my mom and Dave. Then I gave my presents of paracord bracelets to Jamie, Cam, Kate, and Graham. I also got The Promise of a Pencil: How Ordinary People Can Do Extraordinary Things, a beer mug from my mom’s and Dave’s trip to Germany, a photo of an endangered duckling from New Hampshire, the Lego Architecture Imperial Hotel from my mom and Dave, a completed theme song for Cheap Charlie, a mock reality show idea I had for my mom’s dad, who was known to be extremely cheap, from Jamie, and some gummy bears and bottle caps from Cam. Then we had bacon, eggs, and mimosas for breakfast along with some cinnamon rolls. Then my dad picked us up and we went to our grandparent’s house. I gave everyone their gifts and they loved them. My grandparents gave each of us grandchildren one hundred dollars, my dad and Sherry gave me National Geographic’s Backyard Guide to Birds of North America, The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New Age, and a Buddhist mudra candle holder, while Todd, Laura, Abby, and Eric gave me the Lego Villa Savoye and The Gallery of the Celestial Buddhas. My aunt, of course, loved my wall piece. Then we went on our annual Christmas walk around the neighborhood. I got back and built the Villa Savoye. Then we had Christmas dinner and cookies. After that we played Pictionary. I also saw my toilet paper roll wall piece had gotten over three thousand likes on Artists and Autism.
                I got a call from Hen House asking if I could work tomorrow from 11-7:30, and I said I could. Then I finished my drawing of Reeder. After that I went down to work where I got a non-crown bottle cap and a USDA bottle cap from my drinks on my break. I also realized that that if UCM’s Autism Awareness” Homecoming queen Caitlin Stauffer really has done more for the autistics at UCM than me, why are they still unwilling to come out of the autism closet, and why have I never seen a poster by her on autism in the Union, or a blog by her? I got back and asked my mom to deposit my paycheck and my one-hundred-dollar bill from my grandparents, and she said she would.
Princess Anna, top middle; Peter, top right; Erin; bottom left; Jennifer, bottom middle