Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Warrensburg, Missouri, October 28-31, 2012

The day after I got back I made a mani stone from the pebbles in my collection which I have found in Warrensburg. Basically, that is a stone that has the Buddhist mantra Om mani padme hum (Hail, Jewel in the Lotus) carved, or in my case, painted on it, found throughout Tibet and parts of the Himalayas. I used my watercolor pencils and wrote it in Tibetan like the stones I’ve seen in books, and put it with my other mani stones. I decided to print off some of my sources for my Public Speaking class today and the rest the next day because the Lovinger computer lab only allows twenty-five pages to be printed of a day and I had to print off my outline for a screenplay for my Screenwriting class. I returned my books that were due today and I checked out Lonely Planet books on West Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania again and a Rough Guides book on Zanzibar.
                During my Transition Planning class I did some corrections on a homework assignment which Mr. B let us do. The next day when I saw Cassie at Einstein’s, she seemed happy to see me. I also wrote up my outline for my next speech and submitted it on SafeAssign and printed off the rest of sources. I talked to my mom that night and told her I had my voter registration form at home and she said she would look for it and try to send it. Early in the morning the next day I read that the voter registration form can be faxed so I wouldn’t have to worry about mailing it before the deadline. I called my mom and told her that you can fax the voter registration form and she said she would do that when she found it.
                I talked to Teresa during my Person Centered Planning about my confusion over the fundraising aspect of starting the UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group and after talking to her I realized I could talk to the Office of Student Activities about that. I also mentioned that I wanted to find peer mentors, people who modeled good communication for the group and help them if people came to them with a problem and realized I should talk to the head of departments. That night my mom called and said she’d faxed the form and I went to the THRIVE Halloween party wearing a cowboy had I’d got at the last minute and just saying I was Indiana Jones. In order to throw less away I took the Styrofoam plate I used to eat off of and cut out bits of it and made it into a decorative plate which I hung in my dorm.

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