Friday, January 31, 2014

Winter Break at Home 2013

On my first day of the winter break I got favorable e-mails from the heads of the psychology, social work, and communications department who said they could put the message about peer mentors on Blackboard and their department’s organization websites. I called Hen House and found out they couldn’t put me on the schedule but call me each day that they had a shift available. I told my mom, and she said I ought to go down to the Prairie Village Hen House and tell Phil what was going on and see if I could get some hours at that store, also suggesting it might prompt Phil to call Rick and help him put me down. I realized though that I also probably wouldn’t get many more hours at the Prairie Village Hen House than I would at my own store. I learned the fingering for the Lord of the Rings book CDFGAB by developing a pneumonic that goes Cute Darling Female Gives a Bounty of Hope-which doesn’t exactly follow the pneumonic rules but was catchy to me and just felt right for some reason-and I improved my playing. After that I worked on scrapbooks with covers made from snack wrappers and my bag woven from Hen House produce bags. Then I worked on my bowl made from teabag wrappers and made some rosettes made from teabag wrappers. I tested out my coaster made from receipts on my beer, and it worked perfectly and took a picture to post on Facebook. I also talked to Tyler and agreed we might see the next Hobbit movie tomorrow night.

I talked to Tyler, and we agreed to go see the Hobbit movie that night. Then I finished two tambourines made from bottle caps and helped Mom pack for Colorado. After that I went to see the Hobbit movie with Tyler. I found it to be very action packed compared to the first one, noticing Gandalf getting taken prisoner, and I loved the dragon but was also surprised by the ending, which had a very cliffhanger feeling. Later I realized that I could repaint the letters on that stone with some lacquer paint from the hardware store, realizing I do need to take a risk in loving someone who will love me the way I deserve to be loved. As I was getting into Tyler’s dad’s car, I found a dollar on the ground and took it as a good sign.
The next day I found several more Snapple caps for Tyler. Then I worked on some more bottle cap tambourines, which my mom loved. I also remembered how I promised Teresa I would take a risk loving someone who loves me the way I deserve to be loved and do it even if I get hurt. The next day I grinded up and put leaves in the flower bed for fifteen dollars an hour for three hours. I did some laundry after that. Then I worked on my bottle cap tambourines, flower photo frames for my grandmom and Aunt Laura, which I also decided to make for my mom. Later I also drove to and back from Taco Republic, getting fifteen more minutes of driving and night driving. While we were there, I had some delicious roast chicken tacos, while Dave, an avid Tolkien fan, and I talked about Jackson’s movies, both of us thinking Jackson did a fairly good job of sticking to the story, myself saying that some of the changes simply helped make the movie more cinematic.
“I mean Lurtz wasn’t in the book, but he helps give the Uruk-hai a face.”
My mom shook her head in disbelief.
“Ben, you are just…brilliant!”
We talked about The Hobbit and Bard the Bowman, who Dave said was from the Lake-town of Esgaroth.
“Actually,” I said, “Bard was from Dale.”
“But the Lake-town was part of Dale, wasn’t it?”
“Well, no they were both their own little separate city-states, but the Lake-town becomes part of Dale.”
“Dave, I think Ben’s out-knowledged you on Lord of the Rings,” said my mom nudging Dave in the arm. 
I drove back getting another fifteen minutes of driving. When I got back my granddad called and asked if I would like to help him move things at his church to make some money and I told him I would do that. 
The next day I went to St. Anne’s and did some work for Granddad during which time I realized I could use the broken strap from my old Drawing I notebook to make bottle cap finger cymbals. My granddad paid me twenty-five dollars and then we ate lunch together. When I got back to the house my mom paid me for the work I did the day before. Then I went down into the basement to get some wire from my old journals in one of my boxes and recycle all the paper I didn’t use, and I found in that box my Scythian gold griffin and my Japanese gilded panel. After that I looked at my grades for the semester on my MyCentral account and found out I had gotten all Bs. While I did that, I tore out all the unused paper in my old notebooks from junior college and recycled it. Then I worked on my presents for my mom, grandmom, and Aunt Laura. After that I made my present for my granddad, a pair of finger cymbals made from flattened bottle caps to help him with meditation. I also saw on my Facebook page that Caitlin Samuels had invited me to see Frozen with her. 
The next day I got a new bottle cap from my drink at Better Cheddar and some wood for my tambourines at the hardware store. I got back and finished another tambourine and nearly finished another one. Then I cuddled with Peter thinking of how I would feel warmth doing the same thing with a girl who I loved and loved me the way Teresa talked about. After that I got a call from Hen House saying I’m working from 12-8 on Sunday, 8-4:30 on Monday, and 12-8 on Tuesday. I also went to Winstead’s with Granddad, then Barnes and Noble where I got the January 2014 issue of Shambhala Sun, the January/February 2014 issue of Afar, and a Moleskin Hobbit journal for my travels to India realizing that they may sort of be like Bilbo expanding his own horizons. Then we went to the Pathless Land where I meditated and did the closing. Afterwards I realized Granddad seemed to be telling me all along to keep my mind open to all the possible girlfriends who would come into my life.
The next morning Ian called, and we arranged a ride home from the reunion. Then I heard Caitlin say she could see the movie on the 26th. Later I grinded up some more leaves and spread them over the flower beds in the back yard. I drove to the Horizon Academy reunion getting ten more minutes of driving and night driving, while my mom talked to Dave on her cellphone, making me incredibly nervous, but I drove well all the same. She got there and said, “See I wasn’t there to give you instructions and you did fine.”
As I stepped out of the car, a strange feeling was upon me like I had just entered another world. At the reunion I saw several old friends of mine from school: Ian for one, then Matt Gauer. I saw my former high school teacher, Vicki Asher, looking exactly the same as when I saw her years ago. She hugged me and told me that they took the Horizon students to visit UCM.
“And we were all like ‘Where’s Ben? Where’s Ben?’”
I laughed.
After some pizza, Mrs. Kennedy our former school principal took us on a tour of the school. During that time, I heard Matt say that Ian was pursuing a career in some kind of international social work. I saw another familiar face next to me, a girl by the name of Adriana Godsey, with a tall dark young man standing next to her. I learned she was working at KU Medical Center and that the man, her fiancĂ©, had finished school at Pittsburgh University with a degree in broadcasting. I, of course, gave Adriana my sincerest congratulations on her engagement.
We went to the downstairs floor, which had many renovations done to it even since I saw it last year. On the right side of the hall through a door, I saw a room with a dark carpet and a short shiny black stage.
“What is that room?” I asked Mrs. Altman, a teacher who was standing next to me.
“That is our new Blackbox Theater where we have some new drama classes.”
“Really?” I said. “Well, it sounds like it would be a great job, being a drama teacher.”
             “You should come back here and do that some time,” said Mrs. Altman.
“Why I would love that,” I said.
“Well, we have these cards in our reception room, and you could take one and write on the back that you love to come back and do that.”
We went back to the reception room, and I did indeed get one of those cards. Then I went with the others into the multipurpose room where there would be a performance of the nutcracker. I saw Sean Swindler there, whose son goes to Horizon. We said hello and I told him about how soon we would need the right paperwork for the peer mentors. He said he would get that to me sometime and would be sure to come down to Warrensburg sometime and help the UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group get more members. During the performance I put down on the card what was going on in my life which there was a section for and indeed mentioned my desire to come back and be a drama teacher. 
After the performance we went back into the reception room. I saw my old middle school teacher Bob Fritch. He said to me, “You were always the professorly one I remember.” 
He asked me what I was studying, and I told him my major was in Cultural Studies.
 “Do you think you’ll teach that some day?” I explained to him that I was planning on starting a film making career but sometime after school, in order to support myself, help in archaeological digs and hands-on cultural projects for kids with Down syndrome.
            “Well, you ought to come and teach here,” said Mr. Fritch.
“Well, yeah that would be great. Mrs. Altman said I ought to come back here and be a drama teacher and I thought that would be great.”
I later saw another familiar face, a dark-haired girl Jordan. I learned she was at Johnson County Community College and planned to get a degree in Occupational Therapy.
 “That’s cool,” I said.
 “Yeah,” she smiled brightly at me, and I smiled back. Then I met the new intern for my old school counselor, a woman with short blonde hair and a very kind face who said she knew both my dad and my grandmom, the former Dean of Education at the University of Kansas City, Missouri. I saw another old friend Riccardo Rossi, who earlier told me he had planned on being a counselor. I asked him if he still wanted to do that.
“I don’t know, just because it can be kind of stressful.”
“Well, any job can be stressful.”
“That’s true. What do you do about stress?”
“Well, I exercise regularly, have some hobbies, make time for friends…"
“I mean at work?”
“Well, I just take a deep breath and remind myself that there’s no moment to be in other than this one.”
“Yeah,” he said nodding slowly. 
After that I saw Mr. Epstein and got a chance to tell him about school and my blog Ben’s Blog, which he asked if any of the students might find interesting. I told him they might as they or someone they know might be on the spectrum and it deals with college, relationships, and independent living. I then went home with Ian Sneid and another one of my fellow students, Jacob Rasmussen, who told me that another one of my fellow students, Austin Oerkhe, was going to UCM. I got home and told my mom, dad, and granddad about tonight and about how they said I ought to be a drama teacher there and they were all really excited for me. My granddad told me that he also believed I would do a lot for the autism community. Then I worked on my bag woven from Walmart bags and organized my stash of plastic bags to repurpose up in my room. 
I drove to my psychiatrist appointment the next morning, getting ten more minutes of driving, to the post office, getting another ten minutes, to Bruce Smith getting another five minutes, then home, getting another five minutes, and got much better at turning hand-over-hand. I got a call from work asking me if I could come in on an emergency shift and I took it. I drove to work getting another ten minutes of driving. I also got a new Snapple cap on my break. I drove back home getting ten more minutes of driving and night driving. Then I watched the extended version of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with Mom, Dave, and Brenda while I thought about how Tyler is able to contribute to society even while on disability benefits and remembered a quote Dr. Mayfield told me from Einstein about how everyone is brilliant, and you can’t judge a fish by the standards of animals that climb trees. 
The next day I worked on a basket made from some of my plastic bags. Later I practiced my flute for half an hour, getting the fingering used in my Lord of the Rings flute solo book, getting better at it. Then I worked on making a foil statue of a panda bear. The next day at work I sang every now and then to pass time an old song I heard on King of the Hill:

Blue moon on Kentucky, keep on shining. Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue.
Blue moon on Kentucky, keep on shining. Shine on the one that’s gone and left me blue.

It turned out my voice was much better than I thought. During lunch I got a new Snapple cap for my collection. While I sang, Angela, one of the cashiers said, “Ben, I’ve never seen you like this before. You’re normally so quiet. I love it!” After I got home, I realized that it was perfectly possible for the right services to be universally provided to autistic people as thirty-three states had already mandated that autism be covered by insurance. 
The next day I went to work, during which time I realized that the orcs pursuing the dwarves in the Hobbit movies is very true to the book as the orcs killed and tortured Thrain in Dol Guldur. I also got three new Nantucket caps for my collection on my breaks and lunch. I went to Abby’s birthday celebration after that. I also read that the orcs did march towards Erebor in the second Hobbit movie like I thought. I realized that the Kili and Tauriel romance really did help show the tension between the elves and dwarves in Middle Earth. I also read on (Lord of the Rings Wikia) that during the War of Dwarves and Orcs, Azog tried to claim all the mansions of Durin as his own and many of the orcs fled to the High Pass near Rivendell so the orc chase in the first Hobbit movie kind of made sense. I told Dave this and he said, “Yeah…” sounding somewhat impressed.       
On Christmas day, not having anything for Jamie, Cam, Abby, and Eric, realized I could just give them all five dollars, which would easily make in tips in that day’s work. I drove to work doing well with speed and hand-over-hand turning even though Mom was on the phone, getting ten more minutes of driving. I also got a new Nantucket cap on my break. After I got home, I finished my picture frames made from bottle caps. Then I had Christmas Eve dinner with Jamie, Cam, Graham, my mom, and Dave. I also completed some more of the challenges in my book The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Activity Book. 
I gave Jamie, Cam, Graham, my mom, and Dave, their presents and they all loved them. I got a December 2013 issue of Wired magazine with a cover article on Bill Gates and Bill Clinton and using technology to help the Third World, mouthwash, gum, chocolate, a paint tube shaped pin from the Indianapolis Museum of Art, a craft knife, Stamp Collecting for Dummies, Postal Service Guide to 2013 Stamps 40th Edition, The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, and a monk dashboard figurine for when I get my driver’s license from my mom and Dave. I also told Dave how I thought the expansion of Arwen’s role in The Lord of the Rings movie and Tauriel in The Hobbit films would have been supported by Tolkien because he meant to give females a greater role in the story, which is why he added Eowyn, and Dave agreed. On the way to my grandparent’s house, I got more of a feeling for American culture from the Postal Service Guide. I gave my dad, my granddad, my grandmom, Uncle Todd, Aunt Laura, Abby, and Eric their presents and they all loved them. I got a Tibetan victory banner and a Lego Architecture Big Ben set from Uncle Todd, Aunt Laura, Abby, and Eric, a $100 debit card and a shirt with a Chinese peace sign from Grandmom and Granddad, and a bird whistle, wooden Indian block printing textile stamp, Beer Crafts: Making the Most of Your Cans, Bottle Caps, and Labels, and Lonely Planet books on Tibet, Bhutan, and Mongolia from my dad. I learned some more of what I wanted to do in Tibet, Bhutan, and Mongolia from my travel books. I also realized that I could draw attention away from autism organizations that spend more on their executives than services for people with autism when I tell people what I’ve done as a person with autism. I went on the annual Christmas walk with Jamie, Cam, Dad, Granddad, Uncle Todd, Aunt Laura Abby, and Eric where I took several great pictures and walked to the edge of the forest with Uncle Todd and Aunt Laura. I got back and built the Lego Big Ben set. I ate dinner with Jamie, Cam, Abby, and Eric afterwards. Then I learned more of how my travel plans to Tibet, Bhutan, and Mongolia will go. I later realized that Azog being resurrected by Sauron and Bolg working as an interrogator at Dol Guldur makes sense because Gandalf came to Erebor with the news that the orcs led by Bolg were coming to attack after being in Dol Guldur, that the orc pursuit made sense because of Thrain having one of the dwarf rings, so therefore the orcs being hunted down by Legolas and Tauriel and the romance between Tauriel and Kili made since, and that the third Hobbit movie might open up with Gandalf talking to Thrain in Dol Guldur. When I got back, I talked to Tyler, and I told Dave how I thought the third Hobbit movie might open up with Gandalf meeting Thrain in Dol Guldur and he said he heard that would happen. I also saw that Caitlin had messaged me on Facebook asking if I could go see Frozen tomorrow. Since my brothers, dad, grandmom, aunt, uncle, and cousins were all planning on us going to see a movie that day I asked her if she was available the day after that.
The next day I told Caitlin through Facebook messaging that I could meet her anytime between 12-6 tomorrow and asked her to name a time and place. Then I got to my grandparent’s house before my dad, Jamie, Cam, grandmom, Uncle Todd, Aunt Laura, Abby, Eric, and I went to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. I realized that my popcorn bag had a poster of the movie and decided to frame it, and after the movie was over to make the other’s bags into beads. During the movie I watched the movie, during which time I realized the way Peter Jackson told the conflict of the Elves and the Dwarves as being over jewels was true to the story as those jewels were what the Mirkwood elves besieged Erebor over before the Battle of Five Armies, that I am able to be valuable to a lot of people, not just with autism, for what I do for autistic people, as many have autistic loved ones and prejudice, stigma, and discrimination are self-destructive. Soon after it was over, I got the idea to make some robots out of cigarette boxes I collected for Tyler to play with, one representing the ego, another representing the id, and the other the super ego, to help teach him self-restraint. I got back and as I saw Dave with some new ice cream, I decided to eat it less nights to cut down on human waste, and I recycled all the cigarette boxes I collected except for some for beads and Tyler's robots. Then I found Caitlin said she could meet tomorrow at 10:45 at Town Center, and I said I’d meet her there. After that I gave Mom two bottle cap tambourines to give to Kyley and Hunter for Christmas and finished one for myself. I put my cousin's up on the top of a cabinet so Wally wouldn’t chew on them. 

                The next morning before I went to sleep, I realized how even though people have said that Gandhian economics wouldn’t have allowed India to become an economic superstar, it seems India’s real glory is the rich becoming richer while the poor become poorer, unlike Bhutan’s gross national happiness. After my meditation, showering, and breakfast, I drove to Town Center afterwards getting twenty more minutes of driving. Then I saw the movie with Caitlin at the movie. When it was over, we both seemed to have really liked it.  After the movie, Caitlin and I ate lunch at Panera and learned more about each other. After she gave me a ride home, I found my stone Teresa gave me. Then went to Bruce Smith where I got the December 2013 issue of National Geographic, the December 2013/January 2014 issue of Archaeology magazine, Sacred Places of the Ancient World from the editors of Archaeology magazine, and Mandela: His Life in Pictures: 1918-2013 and my medication. I then traded in a bunch of ones and quarters for fives. I also decided to take my World Archaeology tests in the Testing Center next semester. I ate dinner with the Wendland’s during which I heard Cam talk about his dorm life, with his building being largely Asian, and my mom suggested that the Chinese send their kids to America to be educated to meet the Chinese girls Americans have adopted and that their government probably became so corrupt because they were short of money. I got back and packed up for the trip to Colorado tomorrow. I also decided I would take my Early American Literature tests in the Testing Center as well.

Preparing For Finals Fall 2013

On the first day if December my dad gave me a ride back to school on which he brought me several bottle caps, from which I found three new ones for my collection. I got back and unpacked. Later I took all my wood shavings outside to the Ellis courtyard, where I found a box for a shelf for my magazines, another bottle cap for my collection, and three more pebbles. I also found another bottle cap while sorting some recycling in Ellis. I passed by the THRIVE hall, where I saw Mary and we exchanged Thanksgiving news. I got back to my dorm and turned the box into a shelf for my magazines, worked on some bike streamers and collages made from snack wrappers, and made some more flowers from straws. Down in the cafeteria, I ate dinner with Tom. Then when he left, I ate with Amanda and a first-year THRIVE student named Anna. After they left, I ate with Autrey and another first-year THRIVE student named Connor. While I ate, I worked on my bag woven from Walmart bags. After I got back from dinner, I found in a bunch of papers my mom had given me an invitation to my high school reunion on December 19 at 6. Then I worked on my bottle cap figurines. After that I talked to Erin. I read the reading for my World Masterpieces class while running on the treadmill. I talked to my mom, and she told me about Caitlin Samuels, a girl who our housekeeper Ruth cleaned the home of who was only two years older than me and like me on the autism spectrum. She had just gotten back from a veterinary tech school in Colorado and was working with animals, as was her passion. My mom and Ruth thought we would get along very well and that I ought to get to know her. Later on, I talked to Tyler.

The next day in my Drawing I class I decided that my original still-life idea would take too long and decided to make mine of Denver, Colorado, using one of the beer bottle caps my dad brought me for a brewery sign. Later I ate lunch with Anna, Amanda, David, Logan, Oscar, Mary (the other Mary), Kinsey (another THRIVE student), and Connor. During my World Masterpieces class, I found out I got a C on the last exam. Later I worked on my snack wrapper collages of Maja Toudal and Thomas Jefferson. Afterwards I found another Buddhist site in Rajasthan to visit though I didn’t remember seeing in in my Lonely Planet book so I wondered whether going there may endanger the site, then whether governments would be willing to protect such sites if they didn’t see tourist dollars in it. Later I met some people in the cafeteria at Late Night. I still felt all the while that I did wish I had someone to share myself with, not knowing how that would come about. 
I got done a lot of my Algebra assignment in class and after class. During my North American Indian class however, I couldn’t help but be distracted by the stress I felt taking a full course load in addition to building the UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group. As I did, I looked around the room.  Laci saw me and she smiled, and I smiled back. Suddenly I decided to just be in the present. I also realized sometimes we really don’t need to look far to find what will truly make me feel more relaxed and happier. I also decided that next semester I would go to the Anthropology Club meetings some more, having a feeling I would like something about going there. I left class feeling very relaxed and went to the next UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group meeting. Only Dr. Mayfield showed up but I still felt it was a productive meeting. She told me the names of the heads of the social work, communication disorders, psychology, and nursing departments so I could e-mail them about finding peer mentors. She told me that the THRIVE Award ceremony was tonight, and I suddenly had and told her of an idea to give the THRIVE program things I’ve made from junk as prizes for the rewards people got and she thought that was a great idea. She also told me of an environmental craft fair each Earth Day with the Student Environmental Club at UCM. Afterwards I finished my Algebra assignment and worked on my still-life. I also talked to Tyler. 

The next day in my Drawing I class I decided that my original still-life idea would take too long and decided to make mine of Denver, Colorado, using one of the beer bottle caps my dad brought me for a brewery sign. Later I ate lunch with Anna, Amanda, David, Logan, Oscar, Mary (the other Mary), Kinsey (another THRIVE student), and Connor. During my World Masterpieces class I found out I got a C on the last exam. Later I worked on my snack wrapper collages of Maja Toudal and Thomas Jefferson. Afterwards I found another Buddhist site in Rajasthan to visit though I didn’t remember seeing in in my Lonely Planet book so I wondered whether going there may endanger the site, then whether governments would be willing to protect such sites if they didn’t see tourist dollars in it. Later I met some people in the cafeteria at Late Night. I still felt all the while that I did wish I had someone to share myself with, not knowing how that would come about. 
I got done a lot of my Algebra assignment in class and after class. During my North American Indian class however, I couldn’t help but be distracted by the stress I felt taking a full course load in addition to building the UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group. As I did, I looked around the room. Laci saw me and she smiled, and I smiled back. Suddenly I decided to just be in the present. I also realized sometimes we really don’t need to look far to find what will truly make me feel more relaxed and happier. I also decided that next semester I would go to the Anthropology Club meetings some more, having a feeling I would like something about going there. I left class feeling very relaxed and went to the next UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group meeting. Only Dr. Mayfield showed up but I still felt it was a productive meeting. She told me the names of the heads of the social work, communication disorders, psychology, and nursing departments so I could e-mail them about finding peer mentors. She told me that the THRIVE Award ceremony was tonight, and I suddenly had and told her of an idea to give the THRIVE program things I’ve made from junk as prizes for the rewards people got and she thought that was a great idea. She also told me of an environmental craft fair each Earth Day with the Student Environmental Club at UCM. Afterwards I finished my Algebra assignment and worked on my still-life. I also talked to Tyler. 
The next morning, I found the Buddhist monastery I found was in my Lonely Planet book so it was alright to visit. During my Drawing I class I tried showing the boundaries of my still-life using the right shading. I did a lot of the reading for my World Masterpieces class though I only got a one out of five on the quiz. After class I did the course evaluations. Then I finished my Algebra homework. I walked around campus later on taking a lot of photos that I thought would look great in UCM’s Photos of the Week. Then I got back to the dorm and worked on some bike streamers, collages, and scrapbook covers made from snack wrappers, my bag woven from Walmart bags, and made some more flowers. After that I went to a mandatory checkout meeting for the hall where we just talked about checkout procedures. I did some work on my coaster made from Kool-Aid and Capri Sun pouches while I ran on the treadmill. Back at the dorm I worked on my handbag made from snack wrappers. I also talked to Tyler again.
The next morning, I passed the Algebra practice exam with a 72.2%. Later I ate lunch with Connor, Kyley, Mckenzie, and a few other students from the hall, during which Kyley offered to sell me a ticket to her sororities, Alpha Omicrom Pi’s, waffle breakfast fundraiser for arthritis. I needed to go to the bank to get some money, but I told her I could come by her dorm after that and buy them. Later I got halfway through the book report for my North American Indian class. During my that class I had an idea to use my red-and-yellow striped straws and blue-and-green striped straws to make a wreath with blue, red, yellow, and green stripes, the idea coming to me as though I had found my muse. Afterwards I sent out the e-mail to the UCM Autism Spectrum Support Group members about the movie night. Then I went to the bank and got some money, got back to Ellis and bought the tickets from Kyley and found out the breakfast was on Sunday from 11-1:30 though I first misread it and thought it started at 11:30. Then I went to dinner where I ate with Levi and Jacob, a first-year THRIVE student who was in school with me during high school. Levi asked me if I would come by the THRIVE Christmas party and I said I’d stop in and say hello. I took out my trash and recycling later and then stopped by the THRIVE Christmas party to say hello to everyone. Then I went to the Fun Before Finals Night where I took the popsicle eating challenge where if I ate a whole popsicle in under one minute I got a free Dairy Queen chip, and I won. I got back and I read the reading for my World Masterpieces class, and I worked on my handbag. 
After my Drawing I class the next morning, I did another response paper for my World Masterpieces class. I tried finishing the North American Indian book report before 3:30 to make in time for the movie night. I think I did fairly well except I forgot to proofread some, but I did get in into the instructor’s mailbox on time and got to the movie night, though no one was there. Later I made some bird puppets from straws and some tambourines from bottle caps, the latter for Christmas gifts. After running on the treadmill, I went to the Ellis carnival where I saw Logan, Kinzey, Oscar, and Mary. I also worked on my handbag and made another flower. 
The next day I worked on my travel plans to Rajasthan, where I learned several of Gandhi’s ashes are scattered so I thought I’d visit that place where they are. After that I sorted a lot of recycling in Ellis. Then I worked on my collages, beads, and scrapbook covers made from snack wrappers. Then I sorted my recyclables a little better. Later I worked on the final project for my Drawing I class during which I realized ways I could improve my drawing. While I was on the treadmill, I worked on one of my handbags. I got back later and read a review of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on, which made me anxious to go see it. Then I sorted some more recycling in Ellis.
The next morning, I went over to AO-My-Eggo, taking a lot of pictures of the beautiful scenery on campus on my way. I got there and sat down at a table, enjoying some waffles (which were rather bland but still helped raise money for arthritis research), coffee, tea, and lemonade, while I sat down looking up things on my phone. A few tables away sat a bunch of guys talking amongst themselves.  One of them saw me and said, “Hey, you want to come sit with us?”
“Ok,” I said.
I sat down next to a tall dark-haired student, while a Black student of medium height sat across from me, and diagonally across from me sat one student with long dark hair. The one next to me introduced himself.
 “I’m Luis,” he said.
 “Hi, I’m Ben.”
 I shook his hand.
 “I’m Chris,” said the student sitting across from me.
 I shook his hand. Then the last of them introduced himself to me.
 “Hi, I’m Ryan.”
 I shook his hand as well.
 “So, you all know each other?” I said.
 “We’re in a fraternity together,” said Luis.
 “I see.”
 “You ever thought of joining a fraternity?” Chris asked me.
 “Well, I guess I could in the future.”
 “Well, we’d be glad to have you come to our events," Chris said. 
 “Yeah, if you give me your number, I'll text you when we have something going on,” said Luis.
I gave him my number and he gave me his. We spent the rest of the time talking about things such as where we were from, our majors, career interests, where we lived, etc. A short blonde girl wearing an Alpha Omicrom Pi shirt came over to our table.
“Are you guys enjoying everything?” she asked.
“Well, the waffles are ok, and they didn’t have the fruit which we were excited about, but we’re just here to support a good cause."
I nodded in agreement.
 “Well, let me know if I can help you with anything,” said the girl.
 “We will,” said Luis.
Over a few tables down I saw Emily from my Drawing I class sitting with a group of girls and went over to her to ask her a question.
 “Hey, Emily,” I said, and she looked over at me. “Do you know when our Drawing I final is?”
 “Wednesday at 8.”
 “Ok, thank you.”
 “As 1:30 approached we all started clearing our places to leave.
 “Well, nice to meet you, Ben,” said Luis.
 “Yeah, you too,” I said shaking his hand.
 “Yeah, we’ll call or text you whenever we have a fraternity event going on.”
 “Sure. Thank you.”
After the breakfast I got on my Facebook account I looked up Caitlin Samuels and I sent her a friend request. After that I studied for two fifty minute study blocks for my North American Indian class, with a ten minute break in between during which time I found my friend request had been accepted. Later on, I worked on my handbag while I ran on the treadmill. When I got back, I talked to Tyler some more. I also worked on my belt woven from lollipop wrappers and my tambourines made from bottle caps. 
On Monday morning I called Hen House and asked to speak to Phil.
“Phil isn’t working here anymore; he’s now working at the little hen House permanently.”
“Oh, because I’m coming home for a few weeks and I wanted to get some work over the holiday so who do I talk to about that?”
 “Our new assistant manager is Rick, and he’ll be in tomorrow at eleven.” 
 “Ok, thank you.”
After that I did my paper for my Drawing I class. I later saw an e-mail on my UCM account from my mom about finals week in which she said, “I know you’ll do great.” Then I went on Facebook and asked Caitlin how it was being back at home and how she was enjoying working at Shawnee Mission Animal Clinic. Then I did my two other response papers for my World Masterpieces class. I got back to my dorm and worked on my bag woven from Walmart bags.  Then I took out my trash and recycling during which time I saw a load of bottles and cans in a bag at the top which I opened and started taking them to the recycling bin. Philip, walking out of the dining hall from work said, “Ben you’re very brave.”
I got back to my dorm, and I made two origami boxes for Tyler, one for his bouncy ball collection and one for his marble collection and turned my popcorn box into a box for his bottle cap collection. Then I worked on my bottle cap tambourines. Then I worked on my handbag while I ran on the treadmill. I got back and worked on my picture frame made from receipts. After that I talked to Tyler while I worked on one of my trellises made from bottle rings and twist-ties.
The next day I called Hen House and told Rick I could work anytime from the 14th to the 27th of December except for the 19th after five and he said he’d put me on the schedule. Afterwards I finished that piece of wall art made from toilet paper rolls. Then I submitted my take-home final to SafeAssign. After that I got a text from Hillary saying Mardy and I should be roommates next year. I texted her back saying I thought that would be a good idea. I got back and I worked on my bag woven from Walmart bags and a scrapbook cover made from a snack wrapper. Then I got a text from Mardy asking me to be his roommate in Foster/Knox. I texted him back saying I would love that. He texted me asking me if I would meet him at 8:30 in the Ellis Dining Hall and I said I would. I realized I’d be living in a place with no rules on alcohol so I might find more bottle caps. Later I worked on my take-home project for my Drawing I class. After running on the treadmill for about half an hour, I went to the dining hall and met Mardy, and was shortly followed by Hillary, Philip, and a tall Black man in about his mid-thirties. He smiled at me.
“Hi, my name’s London,” he said.
“I’m Ben,” I said and shook his hand. He then explained to me that he lived near Philip in Foster/Knox. Philip told me that the university wanted to lease its apartments more to lower classmen and that people who wanted to apply for an apartment and keep living in theirs now had to apply for a raffle, and if their name was drawn, they would be chosen to live in an apartment, and Philip now worried he wouldn’t be able to stay in Foster/Knox.
“You might as well accept it. There’s nothing you can do,” said London.
I went to my Drawing I class the next day and found out I got an 85% on my last portfolio and my midterm project. Then we went around the room critiquing people’s final projects and people had some good things to say about my work as well as some helpful suggestions. I worked on my bottle cap tambourines afterwards. Then I did some sweeping. After that I took a walk to clear out my head. I went to my World Masterpieces exam later and I think I did pretty well. I got back and worked on my handbag. After that I took a nap to recover some of my strength. Then I took out my trash and recycling. I sorted some recycling afterwards. Then I signed out for tomorrow. That night I talked some more to Tyler and then sorted some recycling.
The next day I went outside my Algebra classroom and found it wasn’t meeting. Then I checked my phone and found out the final time was Tuesday from 11-1, but I could still take my final in the Math Lab until Friday. I went in and started the test, until an instructor had to restart it after I used the calculator on my phone. I started again with a graphing calculator and finished it with a 62% but I passed the class with an 86%. After that I took my North American Indian final, which I thought went pretty well. 
I finished packing up, got checked out, and my mom came and picked me up. I got all my stuff in her car and then got inside. She said to me, “I’d let you drive but I need to be somewhere after I get home and you drive a lot slower than I do, plus I bet you’re kind of tired.”
We drove for an hour until we got home. My mom decided not to go to whatever she had planned earlier and that night I had my first home-cooked meal in a while. Dave was not home at the time. Afterwards I e-mailed all the heads of departments telling them about my group and asking if they would get the word out. Then I called Erin. I also talked to my Granddad mentioning the prospect of asking out a girl, and he told me that people love to talk about themselves. I realized I could get a girl to say a bunch of things about herself, and at the end say, “I enjoyed hearing about you. I’d love to get together and hear more.” Then I went into the kitchen later to get a beer and saw Dave. He said, “Ben, welcome back.”