Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Weekend at Home

On Friday my granddad came to my dorm to pick me up and I showed him some of my environmental crafts, which he enjoyed seeing. I got my stuff together and he brought me home. Once I was there, I found one of my paperweights that said “Wisdom” so I could bring it back to school and put it with the other paperweight I meant to go with it that said, “Compassion.” Later I talked to Tyler and we agreed to go see Captain Philip the next day. I called Jack but I didn’t hear back from him. The next day my mom and I decided to see the movie at 2:30. We went to pick up Tyler and on my way I heard my mom say my Facebook status said I was still in a relationship and suggested I change it, and I thought she was right. We got Tyler and went to the movie, which was full of suspense throughout the whole thing. All in all, I thought the movie was pretty good.
Tyler and I got home and watched some television. Later we decided on him staying for dinner and then for the night. Tyler, Dave, my mom, and I had some juicy steaks and Tyler said he enjoyed having a home-cooked meal, which he hadn’t done since all his siblings left the house and his mom started taking care of his grandfather. He also said he loved having a sleepover, which he had never done before.
After dinner I deleted that post saying I was in a relationship. Then Tyler and I shared some stories that night and I learned about a friend he had in middle school named Jennifer Johnson who had bipolar disorder, scoliosis, was in a wheelchair, and couldn’t speak except with a machine, and died around the time he was in middle school. We also watched a show on the Disney Channel called Wolf Blood about some underground maligned werewolves in rural Wales experiencing bullying at their school and banding together to help each other and it reminded us of the way people with various disabilities, such as Asperger syndrome, bipolar disorder, and Down syndrome, have been forced to live for decades. I also questioned him about Monica to see if it was really her he knew. I asked him if she had shoulder-length black hair and he said yes. I asked if she had blue eyes and he said yes. Then I asked him if she had a wide open smile and he said yes. That sounded like her. Before I went to bed, I read a post about women with Asperger syndrome on a blog by a women named Tania Marshall, an expert in women with Asperger syndrome, and learned they can have mood swings or be diagnosed or misdiagnosed with AD/HD, bipolar disorder, OCD, and other conditions, and can also have a lot of artistic or creative ability, as well as great empathy. I also read on Wrong Planet how some people with Asperger syndrome deny that have it and instead say they have bipolar disorder.
The next day when I woke up Tyler joined me in my meditation, following what it appeared to him to be going on at least. After breakfast we went to Starbuck’s and on our way back his dad saw us and gave us a ride home and I said goodbye to Tyler, and he left. For the rest of the day before I went back, I made some flowers and roses from straws and straw wrappers and redid the ones I did for my cousins Kyley and Hunter, which they left at our house, worked on my planning drawings for my snack wrapper collages, and helped Dave get some stuff ready to take to the second home in Colorado they bought last summer. Then Mom gave me some clean clothes and my train ticket and Dave took me to the station.
I got on the train and read a lot of the World Masterpieces reading Don Quixote, quite a funny book, until the train pulled into the station, and I got off. I got back and had dinner with Mary and Autrey, presuming not to bring up Tyler to Mary. After that I worked on some earrings made from the tops of bread bags. While I ran on the treadmill, I read some more of the reading for my World Masterpieces class. I got back and worked on one of my snack wrapper collages some more. Then I talked to my granddad who I told I thought my snack wrapper collages would look very life-like and he said if anyone could make them look professional, it was me, as he said when he saw some of my environmental crafts that they looked very manufactured, as if they hadn’t been made from trash.

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