Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Next Rush Begins

After I got back from Labor Day again made another bracelet for the silent auction. The next day I went outside, trying to spend some time outdoors as I heard it relieves stress, and read a lot of Walden for my American Renaissance class. I saw Sara walking by, though having forgotten her name, and she smiled and waved at me and we both said hello. I later went into the dining hall to get some coffee and relax, when I saw her. We both said hello and I said to her, feeling bad, “I’m sorry, I forgot your name.”
                “Sara,” she said.
                As she was getting some food, I told her, “If you want you can come sit with me.”
                “Ok,” she said.
                I sat down and after she was done getting food she joined me. We sat together and got to know each other a lot. I learned she was a Criminal Justice major, a junior, was from Lee’s Summit, had three older siblings, and didn’t like to watch TV, but loved to read. She was amazed by how I did my class schedule, saying she feels like she can only work with an organized schedule. I also learned she was taking Creative Problem-Solving with a different instructor. I told her about my coasters and art, and she said, “I could never do anything creative.” And I told her, “Well, remember what they say in class about how everyone has creativity.” I asked her if she had any pets, and she said she and her boyfriend both have a dog who lives in his apartment in Warrensburg. She asked, “Is your family coming down for family weekend?” I said, “No, there not.” It felt very nice that day being in her company.
                Later I returned my library books, deposited my pay checks, got a new student ID at the bank because mine was bent and they told me I could get a free replacement if I still had it at the bank, and bought some tape and glue at the Union bookstore to make some more receipt coasters for the silent auction. Then I read more of Walden this time indoors. After that I ate dinner with my hall. I skipped my exercise on the treadmill that night so I could finish my Creative Problem-Solving homework, which was due the next day. Then I started on my bracelet for today. Hillary got to my room and I helped her with her Composition I homework and agreed to be her tutor for that class. Then I finished my bracelet.
                The next morning I got up an hour earlier to do the rough draft for my Anthropology of Food class, which was due at the beginning of class at 9:30 that morning and was met by Paige, who I sat with, and she asked if I could meet her at the dining hall later today. We eventually decided on 4, and I agreed to be there. Then as I finished breakfast I saw President Ambrose of UCM come in and sit with a group of students, and went to say hello to him. He got up, shook my hand.
               “How are you doing?” he asked.
               “Good,” I said.
               “Yeah, and how are the new students?”
               “They seem pretty good. I’ve met a few of them this year though not all of them. I graduated a year ago.”
  “And you’re still here?” 
  “Well, I’m proud of you. Keep up the good work. How are classes going?”
  “Good,” I said.
  “Well, that’s great. You let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”
  “Ok,” I said.       
                Wow. That felt good I thought as I left the hall.
                Sure enough I did get my paper typed up and turned in at the beginning of class. I also signed up for a paper tutorial the next Wednesday at 1. Then I responded to an e-mail from Nannie thanking me for my card, which she loved, and asking about my classes. After that I found Amos Bronson Alcott to write about for my American Renaissance research paper and e-mailed my instructor about it. I then read more of Walden. I went to my American Renaissance class where my paper proposal was approved of and I did the weekly writing and took part in our class discussion. When I got back and made another bracelet.
                I went and took my glass and other recyclables I found along my trip to the sheltered workshop. On my way back I went to the gas station where I got a new Snapple cap from my drink and saw Sara, whose hair looked like it had just gotten out of the shower. I got back and I made another bracelet. Then I made another coaster from receipts, while Jack called, during which time I told him I would be home next weekend and he invited me to come over and see his apartment, the Mission Project, his workplace, and order pizza, watch a movie, and go for a walk around the neighborhood. After that I went down to the bowling alley with people from my hall. I got back, and realized that if we, the autistic community who is dissatisfied with Autism Speaks’ impact on the autism community, were to give Alpha Xi Delta several one-star reviews on Facebook, telling them why we’re angry at the organization they support, we might be able to send a message out to them.
                The next day, I went down to breakfast and was joined by Paige while Mom called and said that she saw Rick at Hen House, and he said he got a note thanking him for my hours from me and was really impressed by it, and asked her to let me know that he’s always willing to give me work when I’m home for the breaks. I read a little bit about Walden in my latest issue of Sufi magazine, in an article about the spiritual environmental movement, and thought that might be something I’d love to get involved in with my writing and work. Afterwards I started working on some coasters while Josiah came and looked at our room and was impressed by the artwork I made. He showed me a battle ax he made from beer cans that he drank from and said that I ought to show Sara my art and mentioned that she always talks to me when she passes me. He and Mardy played some video games while I finished my coaster. I then went down to Those Were the Days and bought several new post cards to frame and some red embroidery floss. Soon after I got back, I saw several posts on Alpha Xi Delta’s Facebook page about their work with Autism Speaks, and realized we, the autism community who are not happy with Autism Speaks, were to gather in numbers and put several comments on those posts, we might get across to them. I talked to my granddad and he liked that idea. Then I went down to a gas station and got some more beers. Later on I went down to the new Fitzgerald diner where I sat with Mardy, Levi, his fiancĂ©e Rebecca, Blaire, Kriti, Josh, and several other THRIVE students. When I got back to the dorm, I felt tired and aching, and wrote a poem on how I felt like I had climbed a huge mountain every day from years of advocacy, bullying, and discrimination.
                The next morning, I went down to breakfast where I ate with Paige and two other THRIVE students who I met: Ellie and Sally. Afterwards I read a great deal of Walden outside for two hours. Then I did my laundry. During that time I sorted a lot of recycling. I also took my pictures for my Cinematography class.
                During dinner I commented on a Facebook post about Autism Speaks sponsors saying we should avoid the events of, comment on the posts about Autism Speaks from, and give one-star reviews criticizing Alpha Xi Delta’s involvement with Autism Speaks for the reasons we dislike it to Alpha Xi Delta. Then I shared the link urging people who disliked what AS does to the autistic community to avoid and unlike the pages of any of their sponsors that they had liked. I got back to my dorm and made another bracelet for the silent auction. I read more of Walden on the treadmill and when I got back I learned Ink4Autism decided to stop advising businesses to donate to Autism Speaks and donate to other groups instead and Drew Carrey, who was originally going to donate to Autism Speaks in solidarity of an autistic boy who was hurt during the Ice Bucket Challenge, instead decided to donate to a different organization after several people tweeted him telling them what Autism Speaks does to the autistic community. I then worked on my box and my Buddha a little more. I got the idea to carve some infinite signs, one for myself and one for the girl who turns out to be the right one for me, and started doing it. I went out into the lounge to relax, and again saw Sara pass me by, waving at me, carrying a bag.

                The next day I sat with Blair, Ellie, Kelsie, Shay and her boyfriend, and Mardy at lunch. Afterwards I read more of Walden outdoors. I also figured out how many white bottle caps I would need to make an autistic pride rainbow infinite sign. I then went into the dining hall to get a soda and saw Sara and Cameron there and we both said hello to each other, Sara giving me a very genuine smile. I figured out more of how I would make my bottle cap wall fish after that, and said goodbye to her before I left. After that I read more of Walden. Then I saw Sara through the doorway of the stairwell. She saw me and waved at me, smiling very wide. As we parted ways as she and Cameron went to the Rec Center, she turned around, smiling so widely she showed her teeth, and waved. Then I got to the Union bookstore and got some sticky pads. 
                After class I gave Hillary, Mardy, and Josiah all beers before going down to Crazy Dog’s to eat. I went to Crazy Dog’s where I enjoyed their delicious burgers and got a new bottle cap for my collection from my delicious ginger beer. I got back and as I was unlocking my door to go into my room, I saw Alex and he said he saw my snack wrapper collage and was really impressed and almost thought it was a painting. I went to Late Night where I met Hillary, Mardy, and Josiah. Then I carved my Buddha figurine some more, learning more of how advanced carving is done. After that I hung up all my prints I bought outside the Union. Then I made another bracelet for the silent auction.
                After taking a shower the next morning I went down to breakfast where I was joined by Josiah. During my Creative Problem-Solving class I remembered how at JCCC we used to have role-playing skits at my autism group to demonstrate the right way to act in the social situations we would encounter in our next week’s activity and gave people a copy of our agenda in each week’s meeting, and realized we ought to do that at UCM. So, after class I went down to the Union and scheduled an appointment with Barbara for next Wednesday at 11:30. After making my appointment, I went down to the Union bookstore and got a new pocket notebook to replace my old full one. Then I got myself a white chocolate blast from Jazzman’s as a reward for all my hard work, and sat down in the Union. After that I rested some more before going down to see a presentation about Mexican revolutionary politics during World War I. I got back and wrote down some more of my ideas and got the idea to compile all my poems into a book to show how I left my comfortable urban life to seek something more in rural Missouri. I went to Late Night and afterwards my granddad called to see how everything was going for me, and I told him all about the past few days and what had gone on then. I realized that this time I have down at Central Missouri is sort of like Thoreau’s experience at Walden Pond, leaving behind the city life for something more and learning to be satisfied with less. Then I went to do my Cinematography quiz. I got back and made another bracelet. 
The next morning I had breakfast with Mardy. Soon after that I went to the tutorial with Dr. Yelton, who told me his suggestions for my paper. I was walking back and ran into Karen Fahrmeier from the THRIVE staff, and went up to say hello. She told me the THRIVE students were putting on a float for the homecoming parade, whose theme this year was a puzzle piece, and thought my group would like to join in. I told her we would and thanked her before leaving her. I also saw Jacob, a friend of mine from South Korea, who I had met last year through my roommate, also from South Korea, while I was waiting for the meeting, and he invited me to come to a birthday barbeque of his with several of his friends and I agreed to do that. I also went on Amazon and ordered several plastic hardware buckles to make paracord bracelets for the silent auction, some rainbow paracord (as the rainbow colors are used often by autistic advocacy groups), and a book called The Golden Hat: Talking Back to Autism by Kate Winslet and a mother of a non-verbal autistic teen who together started the Golden Hat Foundation to provide services so children like her son could thrive. The book had quotes from celebrities who were drawn to the Golden Hat Foundation, poems from the woman’s son describing his life with autism, and the story of the Golden Hat, to whom a great deal of the proceeds from this book went to.
I went to the meeting, led by Anna, and at the end, Shay came up with the idea for a puzzle piece frame with a puzzle piece outside it, symbolizing that the viewer is the missing piece in the world of autism and needs to act. I told her I liked that idea before I left. My mom agreed to pick me up after I got back and the next day I went to Late Night with Sara and a few of her friends, where I learned she went home that weekend as she did every weekend, before they went to a party and I stayed behind as I realized I had an on-line quiz for my Creative Problem-Solving due at midnight that night. The next day I went to Those Were the Days and bought some more post cards to treat myself, before going down to the place outdoors, though partially under a canopy owned by UCM campus, where I met a few of Jacob’s friends, both Korean and Westerner, and enjoyed some delicious strips of marinated barbeque. I also got the idea that “the Autism Spectrum Support Group” might sound a little to dehumanizing for students to say they’re a part of to their friends and I thought “maybe the Autistic Student Union.” I put a pin in that and enjoyed some of Jacob’s delicious rum, afterwards feeling a little tipsy, and then had some of him fine whisky. A friend of his drove me back to the dorm, and we both commented on how he could be a great bartender, with me saying, he ought to combine it with a taxi service agency.
                I got back and met my mom, who understood that I was not up for driving and didn’t question my continual need to pull over to use a bathroom. I got home, feeling remarkably more alert, and called my friend Erin, and we got caught up on each other’s lives.

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