Sunday, August 31, 2014

Autistic Advocacy and Relaxation: Our Second Vacation in Colorado

On the first day of August, I finished packing my clothes before we drove off to Colorado.  As we drove there, I worked on my letter to Alpha Xi Delta about their support of Autism Speaks, then my travel plans to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and then my letter some more. I realized as I read my Lonely Planet books on the region about how these port cities in western India were probably how Buddhism spread to Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, just as the Silk Road allowed Buddhism to spread to China, and at one point, the Mauryan Empire must have been the center of a global Buddhist community. I drove on the highway for about an hour we munched on McDonald’s. Then I worked on my letter, then my Art of War for the Autistic Advocate, and then my letter some more. We went to Whole Food’s where I helped with the shopping before we ate dinner from their salad bar, from which I had some delicious jerk chicken, and got a new bottle cap for my collection. Then we drove on while I continued working on my letter, until we finally arrived at our cabin.
Soon after I got up the next day I trimmed and sprayed the dandelions and grass growing between the planks on our front porch. Then Dave and I went to Safeway where I found several bottle caps to use for my snake and other projects, got a new bottle cap from my drink there, and found a new bottle cap for my collection in the front of Safeway, that is if I can get it back into the shape it was in before. I got back and messaged Teigan about the JCCC Autism Across the Life Span Conference, asking her if the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network of Kansas City would like to participate in it. I also did a few more changes to my letter to Alpha Xi Delta.
We went to the Boon Festival in Leadville where I enjoyed a delicious meal of hot wings and chips, while I heard Teigan respond that they would love to participate though they will need as much information about it as possible. Dave and I then went to a bar where we tried shots of whisky and Cowboy Coffee. We bought some kettle corn and then went to see Paula Poundstone perform in the Tabor Opera House. On the way back we saw a deer. After that I got back and added some of the finishing touches to my letter. Then I made another coaster from receipts, while I thought about Autism Speaks stranglehold over the conversation on autism, but then remembered Winston Churchill’s quote, “When you think you are going through hell, keep going.”
           The next day cut and sprayed some dandelions for my mom and Dave. Then we went to the Boon Festival where I enjoyed a brisket sandwich and chips and then bought a Peruvian flute and shaker at one stand and a hand drum at another and picked up and recycled several recyclables. I got back and made several flowers and beads from straws I found on the ground. Then I practiced my flute for half an hour and sort of invented a new slightly different fingering notation that worked better for me. 
I made three more coasters from receipts and during dinner, the subject of Autism Speaks came up between my mom and I and to my intense relief, she said she agreed with what I thought of them, though she said she thought I ought to get my message across in a way that wasn’t angry, which was fair enough. I also told her about my letter to Alpha Xi Delta and she said she thought I should do that. I then finished two more coasters. I realized I must have been quite helpful to the autistic struggle by getting all these autistic people together at JCCC; a lot of good can come about when autistic people get together; look at the Silicon Valley. I also realized that it was probably people with disabilities who first conceived the idea that racism and other sorts of inequality stem from our society's intolerance of difference, thus helping to quash racism, and helping our society to pay it forward with ethnic minorities, proving that disabled people are not simply economic burdens or charity cases as some think they are. The next day I communicated a message from Sean about the JCCC Autism Conference to Teigan. Afterwards I made three more receipt coasters and started on five more.
The next morning, I had a dream that I saw the citadel of Minas Tirith, only it looked much different in my dream than it did in real life, but I realized that. After that I wrote in my dream journal, during which time I realized that in my dreams, I’ve realized things are different than they are in reality. Then I delivered a message from Teigan to Sean. Later I started on eight more receipt coasters. I went into town and bought six more Native American postcards and a crotchet needle. I got back and finished two more receipt coasters. The next morning, I combined several receipt coasters into two more coasters afterwards. Then I sprayed some dandelions for Mom. After that I helped plant some grass.
After that I took a walk along the tracks where I took several more photos and was inspired to do more photography. I got back and worked on my letter to Alpha Xi Delta. Later I went into town and got a fish fossil to frame and hang on a wall at a mineral store and a crossword puzzle book at the bookstore. Then I went to a coffee shop and got a two-scooped cone of dark chocolate chip ice cream and an Orangina, from which I got a new non-crown bottle cap for my collection and ate and drank them while I worked on my crossword puzzle book. After that I went to the antique store and bought two more Native American postcards. Then I went to another coffee shop and had a lemon crumb bar while I did some more work on my crossword puzzle book. After that my mom, Dave, and I ate at the Grill where I got my mom to agree to send my pocketknife home in the mail. Soon after we got home, Dave’s mother and sister Brenda arrived at our cabin. The five of us went on a train ride the next day up the mountains where we were given a guided tour of the area. I got several pictures on my way back, and before we went home, we went to the taco truck, where again, I got a new bottle cap from my drink. Later I sanded the back door frame for my mom and collected some firewood, before walking down the tracks and going to the old warehouse and collecting some green, red, and gold leather, which looked almost red, yellow, and blue, to make braided leather autism awareness bracelets for the silent auction. I made one for myself and soon afterwards ate dinner with my mom, Dave, Brenda, and Mrs. Dingley. I told them all about my coasters and what they were for, and Mrs. Dingley suggested making a video showing how to make them, so people would be more likely to pay the price for them after seeing all the hard work involved in them. I also enjoyed talking to Brenda, who was a major travel enthusiast herself, about my own travel plans to places such as Tibet, Turkey, and Central Asia, and was amazed at how much she knew about the regions herself. 
                The next day, my mom took me to the shuttle car that would be my first ride on the way to the airport, giving me a bag that had a present for my upcoming birthday. My grandparents would pick me up at the airport and bring me back home. I got on the shuttle car that led to the next one, tipping the driver and getting on the next ride. I tipped the next driver after I got to the airport and tipped the driver again, before getting through security and soon learned my flight would be half an hour late. I called my grandparents to let them know. Soon afterwards, my flight boarded, and I made it to Kansas City, and was picked up by my grandparents. They took me to get a meal a Winstead’s through the drive-through, and then I made it home and made another leather bracelet. I called work to ask them when I worked next. They said I didn’t have any hours that week, but I figured that was ok, because in the next week, I would be going back to UCM.








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